You can make a difference right now. Just click the ‘Donate now’ button below which takes you to the beat4life donation page managed by the good people at Pozible. Every cent or penny you give will be used to help fund this vital research.


Send the beat4life website link to all your family, friends and work colleagues.  If your not sure what to say, how about…..

Dear Friend/Colleague*
 On the 1st Oct 2014 I will make a real difference to the future of Daniel and Fletcher by helping to fund a research trial, looking to extend the lives of these fantastic young boys living in Sydney, Australia. I have never met Daniel or Fletcher, but having learnt about the rare medical condition they have and how their parents are raising money to fund trials which will help them, I feel compelled to share this with you. If you would like to know more about Daniel, Fletcher and the beat4life campaign I urge you to spend 5 minutes of your day today visiting and exploring and you too may wish to help.

Dear Friend/Colleague*
Today I made a real difference to the future of Daniel and Fletcher by helping to fund a research trial, looking to extend the lives of these fantastic young boys living in Sydney, Australia. I have never met Daniel or Fletcher, but having learnt about the rare medical condition they have and how their parents are raising money to fund trials to help them, I feel compelled to share this with you. If you would like to know more about Daniel, Fletcher and the beat4life campaign I urge you to spend 5 minutes of your day today visiting and exploring and you too may wish to help.
*Delete as applicable